Use Bitcoin

cool PSA


In this post I am going over the PSA poster seen above. The poster is a call to action for a specific sub group of people or the target audience. This type of person is typically white, wealthy and privileged, but not smart enough to use bitcoin on their own and are in need of this PSA poster in order to initialize action by using bitcoin on a daly basis that way they can have true freedom and simplicity.

The target audience is typically white wealthy privileged and but not smart enough to use bitcoin on there own. With this target audience in mind I picked the celebrity Justin Timberlake because this will give my target audience the perfect assimilation with there own preferences and values. Also this audience widely accepts the fact that Justin Timberlake is cool. So they think that by acting like him by  using bitcoin they will become cool also.

The Poster is intended to make bitcoin look friendly and simple. Bitcoin is underlined by the idea of technology and mysteriousness of the inner workings of a computer. With that being said, people commonly make the misconception that you need to be a computer geek or something in order to use bitcoin and understand how it works. So naturally people tend to navigate away from considering using bitcoin as a virtual currency. That is why the PSA poster includes a since of innocence translating that bitcoin is innocent and worth the time to get to know. That way the reader will unknowingly and subconsciously decrease their apprehension levels before they even read one word on the PSA poster. For example, the cartoon bitcoins help the reader relate to the innocence that comes in childhood. Also, the little girl who is frozen in a state of playfulness and joyfulness while playing with bitcoins makes you want to investigate bitcoins. Because If she is not apprehensive of bitcoins why should anyone be?

The PSA poster complements the feeling of simplicity with liberty in an attempt to cater to the white, wealthy and privileged who are not smart enough to use bitcoin on their own by appealing to their since of patriotism. For example, the inclusion of an altered Statue of Liberty accurately portrays the liberty and freedom that you gain when you use bitcoin in any kind of way from the smallest transaction to moving millions around the world, or just juggling bitcoin values from account to account. Freedom is one of the core values of using bitcoin and to place anything other than the Statue of Liberty herself would be a gross miscarriage of justice.

With out being redundant I will reiterate the purpose of the PSA post and conclude that the type of person I am targeting is typically white, wealthy and privileged individuals, but who not smart enough to use bitcoin on their own and are in need of this PSA poster in order to initialize action by using bitcoin on a daily basis giving them the true freedom and simplicity that goes hand in hand with bitcoin.


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